Former home of The Puget Sound MINI Motoring Club
PSMINI Dissolution Announcement, 3/31/2024:
Last October, the 2023 PSMINI Board of Directors announced they would not seek another term and announced a call for 2024 board nominations. They received one response.
Over the past few years, engagement at club events has waned. COVID presented a challenge to hosting in-person events, and many members met like-minded MINI friends on social media forums.
A club like PSMINI requires active members and volunteers to keep it running. Volunteers have become increasingly hard to find, and those that have served the club in the past are no longer able to give their time. Therefore, the Board has made the decision to dissolve the club.
We are working on a plan for archiving club materials. Please email psminiclub@gmail.com with any questions.